EPFO Nomination: There are two types of nominees for EPF and Pension Schemes based on a member’s marital status. (Representative image)
The Aadhaar e-sign facility helps in approving the e-nomination form.
EPFO E-Nomination Process: On becoming a member of Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF)/Employees’ Pension Scheme (EPS), it is mandatory for the members to nominate their nominees conferring the right to receive the PF amount that stands to their credit and the Pension benefits in the event of his death. In order to facilitate the filing of nomination instead of submission of Form-2 (physical) the members can file Aadhaar based e – Nomination.
Nominees are very important in all savings, insurance and pension schemes as they get their share of PF accumulations/Employees’ Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme (EDLI) and the pension benefits in case of death of the member.
Also Read: EPFO Higher Pension: Here’s Step-By-Step Guide To Apply on EPFO Portal
There are two types of nominees for EPF and Pension Schemes based on a member’s marital status. (Generally, EPF nominees are entitled to receive EDLI benefits. EDLI benefits will be given on death occurred ‘while in Service’ only.)
EPFO E-nomination
The below steps are to be followed by the members to furnish their nominees details through online method
For the online method a member’s mobile number should be linked with his Aadhaar.
Step 1: Login to EPFO’s website, https://unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in/memberinterface/ and enter your UAN (Universal Account Number) and password to login.
Step 2: Click on the “View” tab and then click on “Profile” option to upload your profile photo (less than 100 kb) in jpg/jpeg format and update all the required details including permanent/current address.
Step 3: Then go to click on the “Manage” tab and then click on “E-nomination” option.
Step 4: Details like UAN, Name, Date of birth, Gender, Name of the Father/Husband, Marital Status, Permanent/Current Address, Date of Joining in EPF and Date of Joining in EPS appear on the screen. On verification of the said details, click the “Proceed” option.
Step 5: Now, click on “Yes” to update the family declaration. Members can nominate more than one nominee and also distribute the amount in (%) percentage that may stand to his credit in the Fund amongst his/her nominees at his/her own discretion.
Step 6: Go to “add family details” and add the details of people you want to nominate. You need to enter the Aadhaar Number, Name & date of birth as per Aadhaar, Relationship, Address of the nominee, Bank account details and upload the photo (less than 100 kb) of the nominee, then click “Save family details.”
If the nominee is a minor, please furnish the details of the Guardian i.e., name of the guardian, relationship and address. You can also add more than one nominee by clicking on “Add Row”.
Step 7: Go to “nomination details” and declare the total amount of share in percentage (%) among your nominees. In case, you would like to nominate only one person as your nominee then you can declare 100% as share.
Step 8: Click on the “save EPF nomination” box.
Step 9: Now, click on the “e-sign” button and enter your Virtual id number (VID) of Aadhaar to generate OTP, which will be sent to the registered mobile number, which is linked in your Aadhaar card.
Step 10: The Aadhaar e-sign facility helps in approving the e-nomination form. Enter the OTP (one time password).
After this, e-nomination gets registered with the EPFO. A readily available nomination in the system enables one to easily file the pension claim and in the event of the demise to the member his/her nominee will be able to file an online claim based on the OTP on his/her Aadhaar-linked mobile. One doesn’t need to apply any physical document to the employer or ex-employer after the online nomination is done.