Mumbai: Union Home Minister Amit Shah recently extended a thoughtful gesture towards Bollywood actor Raveena Tandon. Shah recently sent Tandon an enlightening book on the Ramayana, a gift that Tandon graciously acknowledged and shared on her social media platform.
Expressing her gratitude, Tandon thanked Shah for the meaningful present. “Thank you so much our honorable union home minister Mr Amit Shah for sending a very informative book on the Ramayan journey through stamps”, the actor wrote on the InstaGram story.
Meanwhile, in the world of entertainment, Raveena Tandon has taken up a powerful role in the courtroom drama ‘Patna Shuklla’. Produced by Arbaaz Khan, the film, released on Disney+ Hotstar, features Tandon as lawyer Tanvi Shuklla. The storyline delves into Tanvi’s fight for justice for a student, who wrongfully failed an exam despite performing well.
Raveena’s character faces several challenges while fighting to get justice for the student. Late actor Satish Kaushik essays the role of a judge in this courtroom drama. Directed by Vivek Budakoti, the film also stars Manav Vij.
‘Patna Shuklla’ is streaming on the OTT platform Disney+Hotstar from March 29.